With spring finally here and the clocks set to go forward this week, the time change can wreak havoc with our sleep patterns.

Many of us struggle at times to fall asleep, to stay asleep or are unable to experience restful sleep and this can have a serious impact on both mental & physical wellbeing. Whilst you sleep, your brain gets a well earned break from the pressures and stress of daily life. The cells and body tissues are repaired, and energy levels are replenished. Medical studies have confirmed that sleep helps to regulate our hormones, recharge the body’s immune system which protects us from infection and illness.
It is very easy to fall into a cycle of poor sleep for many reasons. We spend our nights tossing and turning, worrying, unable to switch off and get up the next day, bleary eyed, hoping for a better night’s sleep, but then the cycle repeats itself!
Here are a few recommendations to try and break the cycle of poor sleep.
#1 - Bedtime routine
You should aim to get up at the same time every morning and go to bed at the same time in the evening to keep your body clock running smoothly. Staying up late and sleeping late over the weekend, and then switching back to rising in the early morning for work during the week plays havoc with your body clock.
#2 - Get tired
Make sure you get enough exercise during the day otherwise you won’t be sufficiently tired when you go to bed. If you go to bed when your body isn’t tired your mind may be over-active making it much harder to fall asleep.
Aromatherapy is extremely useful. If you want to go to sleep at night, and you have an aroma that calms your mind, it will help you sleep.”― Deepak Chopra
#3 - Set the scene
Make sure your bedroom is as dark as possible as darkness stimulates the brain to produce melatonin which is a seratonin based hormone that promotes sleepiness.
Try to keep as relaxed as possible before bedtime, have a warm bath, milky drink (contains melatonin) and avoid tv and browsing social media.
#4- Try nature’s way
Essential oils are 100% natural, embrace natural wellness and sleep with the power of plants with AromatheraFee. I have a range of products that promote good sleep…they can allow you to fall asleep more quickly and can support longer and more restful sleep. It’s important to make them a regular part of your bedtime routine as your brain will come to associate that particular smell with feeling sleepy.