So here goes my first attempt at a blog! Forgive me if I waffle…
So you’ve probably already read my About Me bit but if you haven’t I’ll recap for you. I’m Fiona, a mum of 3 boys, living in lovely Yorkshire here in the UK. We’re very lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the country and we have some great views. My family puts up with my business workstation taking over the living room and enjoy the lovely aromas when I’m busy making up orders!
I’ve been a qualified aromatherapist for 24 years and worked in special education for 22 years, primarily with young people aged 3-19 years with autism and SEN.
Luckily for me I combined both my great loves 13 years ago and was offered the chance to become the aromatherapist in the school I was working in with young people with autism, complex behaviours and communication and interaction disorders. I literally have the best job in the world!! No two days are the same, I’m rushed off my feet and work with the best staff team and the most amazing young people. It’s an absolute privilege and the most rewarding job you could have!
I work within a therapy team with other practitioners and therapists who are all brilliant and were also the ones who gave me most encouragement to start my own small business and private consultation work…which hopefully will allow me to spread my knowledge about aromatherapy, how it supports health & well-being and how aromatherapy supports those with SEND and autism with anyone who may be interested.
Four months on from opening my little business and website, things are ticking along nicely and I’m getting to grips with the complexities of website design and social media…tik tok still baffles me though! I’ve had new clients and old clients alike and some really great feedback so feeling good about everything to come in 2024! Thanks to all my lovely customers that have supported me so far 💜
So that’s that one out of the way….thanks for bearing with me. More on aromatherapy and it’s incredible impact coming up soon!
